Please Don’t “Shalom” Your Supermarket Jew
I love being stalked by strangers eager to say hi to me in a foreign language because of my religion. Said no one, anywhere, ever.
I love being stalked by strangers eager to say hi to me in a foreign language because of my religion. Said no one, anywhere, ever.
On why I’m considering breaking up with Apple and becoming an Android and Windows user again.
I don’t think Trump was an accident. I think we got exactly what we wanted–and deserved.
Everybody is different, yet everybody is the same. Is the most politically dangerous statement in the world.
There are better ways to #resist and fight the good fight than living from online petition to online petition.
Anyone who thinks the experience of male victims of sexual predation is invalid because we are male victims is welcome to go back in time and have my experiences for me. Because I would prefer to not to have those memories myself.
This year, I didn’t just reconnect with my Hispanic heritage. I also grew my own seatbelt for rapid-fire Caribbean Spanish.
Preckwinkle should have learned from the foie-gras controversy of a decade ago: in the Chicago region, standing between locals and their favorite foods is a dangerous place to be.
This summer, I opened the door to my family’s secrets in order to reclaim my heritage. Hi, my name is Michael Doyle, and I’m a Hispanic American.
On Yom Kippur 2012, Rabbi Herman Schaalman, Z”l, suggested it was time for Jews to walk away from the Day of Atonement. Five years later, I agree with him.