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Compassionate Resistance for 4/5/17

Compassion Equals Strength

“America was founded not as a ‘Christian nation’ but as a nation committed to the ‘pursuit of happiness’ and to the separation of church and state.”

Compassionate Resistance for 4/3/17

Compassion Equals Strength

“We stand at a crisis point that can generate massive change for good. The shift will happen as we maintain hope and resist with dignity all kinds of oppression.”

(What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You) Unaffiliated

As Passover approaches we let go of our chametz. For the second time in three years, for us that includes giving up our synagogue affiliation.

Anderson Will Be a Jewish Name, Too

Ryan Anderson is not a Jewish name. But next spring, it will be. My partner has entered the home stretch of his longtime Jewish conversion journey.

Jewing It Wrong

Judging the religiosity of fellow Jews by the clothes they wear only works if everyone lives by the same rules. Thank God we don’t.

Out of Apathy

Jewish journeys are not always comfortable. They’re not meant to be. But you can’t reach the promised land unless you pick one. Especially at Passover.

Trope Trainer (Video)

Next week, I chant Torah for the first time. My portion, Tazria, offends modern ears. But it all depends on the telling. Here’s mine.

Things That Suck but the Talmud Says Are Okay

Some ancient Jewish law is toxic. So why do we still put the Talmud above the lives of human beings as God created us?

That’s Gratitude for You: Making Sukkot Relevant Again

Some say Sukkot has become a marginal holiday for Reform Jews because it isn’t rooted in easily understandable rituals. But I can’t imagine a holiday more rooted in the fundamentals of being Jewish…and human.