Why I Returned My Amazon Kindle Colorsoft
I loved my Amazon Kindle Colorsoft until I hated it. But once you see the faulty yellow stripe across the bottom of the screen, you can’t unsee it.
I loved my Amazon Kindle Colorsoft until I hated it. But once you see the faulty yellow stripe across the bottom of the screen, you can’t unsee it.
On why I’m considering breaking up with Apple and becoming an Android and Windows user again.
Time-blocking is the Holy Grail of getting things done. Why do Apple’s iOS apps make it hard to do? Especially when Google’s iOS apps make it really easy.
A year and a half ago I became an Apple user again. But if I were faced with the choice today, I’m not sure I would make the same decision. Here’s why.
It took five years away to learn that Apple and I work really well together. When all is said and done, I really am a Mac after all.
Four years ago I left Apple for Windows. Then I left Windows for Linux. Now I’m leaving traditional platform computing completely for life in the Google cloud. It’s about time.
After almost four years, this Jewish blogger is saying good riddance to bad wireless Internet. Clear Wimax, I wish you had a momma for me to call and tell how you done me wrong for far too long.
In my eleven-part ‘I’m Not a Mac’ series begun in 2009, I blogged about my migration from OSX to Windows 7 after 15 years as a confirmed Mac user. Last fall, I said good-bye to the Windows ecosystem, too. Hello, Linux. Here’s why I’m yours now.
In my ten-part “I’m Not a Mac” series last year, I blogged about my migration out of the Apple ecosystem after 15 years as a confirmed Mac user. Fifteen months have now gone by since I gave up Mac OS X and iPhone for Windows 7 and Android. Here are my follow-up thoughts about living almost Apple-free for more than a year.
Owning household appliances? Normal. Naming household appliances? Pushing it. Feeling like a bad parent for overfilling the dishwasher or watching the Roomba crash into a wall? Me.