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CHICAGO CARLESS Tips Citywide Media on Macy’s Blundered Signage

Yesterday, my blog post about signage in the new Macy’s State Street that invented names of Chicago streets made citywide news. Then it made national news. And none of that would have happened if Federated staff had simply bothered to look at a map of the Loop. Or proofread. Or realize that the correct street names are already printed above every exit in the former Marshall Field’s flagship store.

Macy’s Invents Street Names on New Store Maps

I’m glad I had my camera with me today when I took a shortcut through Chicago’s new Macy’s State Street. All this week, workers have been busily installing new awnings outside the store and information maps within. Trouble is, no one actually proofread the new store maps before posting them throughout the store. Ever heard of Wabash ‘Street,’ or Washington or Randolph ‘Avenue’? Neither have I. But as these photos show, that’s how Macy’s labeled the streets on every new map in the store.