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Your Next Awesome Community Manager

For hundreds of friendships and acquaintances, readers near and far, the blessings of my skill set, a loving partner, and free WiFi at Metropolis, I’m thankful. It is, indeed, a very, very good life.

Beware of Biting the Social Media Hand That Feeds

This morning on Twitter, one of the people I’m following retweeted a message from a regionally prominent interactive marketing manager who declared that tweeting’s not all that important. So where does social media fall in the grand scheme of things?

On Chicagosphere: Why the Sun-Times Deserves to Die

On Chicagosphere I asked whether the Chicago Sun-Times union truly understands the endgame faced by their paper and journalism in general, calling out the Chicago Reader’s Michael Miner along the way for suggesting that columnists be forced to ditch commentary in favor of strict news analysis. There’s nothing I find more tiresome than yet another reporter throwing the rest of the world under the bus for the failings of their own field.

Now on Sale: Social Media Management?

If your communications plan is not Internet based yet, it had better be soon. If you don’t believe having a social media presence is fundamental to contemporary success, you’d better re-examine your beliefs. And if you think you’re going to mobilize tomorrow’s supporters by half-hearted, cut-rate outreach attempts, think again.