The Amidah Project: Three a Day the RJ Way

A reader asked how a Reform Jew can learn to pray Judaism’s traditional three weekday prayers. Here’s my guide on using Mishkan T’filah, the current RJ prayerbook, to do just that.
A reader asked how a Reform Jew can learn to pray Judaism’s traditional three weekday prayers. Here’s my guide on using Mishkan T’filah, the current RJ prayerbook, to do just that.
The Modeh Ani: prayer upon waking or jaunty country song? It’s how I greet the world every morning, thanking God for the gift of another day. But I’m never able to get a certain Kol B’Seder melody out of my head. And that’s okay. Gratitude is never something to be embarrassed about.
Phylacteries. Except, no Jew calls them that. They’re tefillin, and Jews are commanded to wrap themselves in them before morning prayer. They’re a part of my morning ritual. Here’s what that looks like.
To experience the t’shuvah of Kol Nidre, who really cares about the legal basis for Judaism’s most famous High Holy Day chant?
I find it hard to look at human suffering and see no-suffering. I find it hard to look at human faces and see no-faces. It’s not that, deep down, I feel we have any independent existence from God. It’s that I think we’re not supposed to see it that way.
Finding the still, small voice in a silent Amidah? Worth its weight in gold. Finding that silent Amidah in a Reform synagogue? Priceless. Explaining how finding that still, small voice feels? Worth a new blog series.