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Seven Years After Converting, How’s It Going?

Recently, I was asked how my Jew-by-choice life was going now seven years since I converted. That’s a great question. Here’s my answer.

No Such Thing as an Accidental Convert

Becoming a Jew demands a lot of time, study, and soul-searching. So what can you think when a fellow convert suddenly says they’re not Jewish anymore?

Ryan, In These Last Few Hours Before You Are Jewish

These last few hours before you are Jewish are holy. A world ends and a world awaits to begin.

I, Ruth: On Converts, Community, and Continuation

We are a wide, diverse, and ever-changing people of this covenant. We have a duty to respect each other’s privacy. We have an equal duty to hear each other’s stories. Most of all, we have a right to tell them.

She-asani Yisrael: My Conversion Anniversary

One Hebrew year ago, my neshama came home. In gratitude, I mark the anniversary of my mikveh day–the day I officially joined the Jewish people.

Free to Be Jew and Me

You–yes, you, and no one else–are in charge of your Judaism. Every Jewish choice you will ever be faced with is yours to decide, not your movement’s to decide for you. For prospective converts, that includes deciding on the type of Jew you want to be.

God Was on the Brown Line and I, I Did Not Know

One year ago today, I got on the Chicago ‘L’ feeling spiritually homeless and got off knowing I would spend the rest of my life living Jewishly. God’s whisper comes in many forms. For me, it came on the Brown Line.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Jewish: Six Years of Chicago Carless

Three months after officially joining the Jewish people, things make sense in a way I never expected. Some say Jewish converts are born with a Jewish spark waiting to be realized. Now I realize how the past six years of my blog–and the past 41 years of my life–have led me to my Jewish self.

“Do you feel any different?”: My Mikveh Day Report

My mikveh day was amazing and surprising in ways I’ll never forget. It changed me forever–but it took me all day to figure out just how. Here is my epic look at the day I officially joined the Jewish people.