Hebreo Rizado

Sometimes when you’re ‘Jewish and’ you just have to lead with the ‘and.’ I’m a Hispanic Jew who’s taking off his kippah.
Sometimes when you’re ‘Jewish and’ you just have to lead with the ‘and.’ I’m a Hispanic Jew who’s taking off his kippah.
If Halloween makes you fear for your Judaism, your problem isn’t Halloween.
I love being stalked by strangers eager to say hi to me in a foreign language because of my religion. Said no one, anywhere, ever.
Or, why is there a Christian Easter egg in the user interface of this Jew’s Facebook Messenger app this weekend?
A presidential address on terrorism would never happen on Christmas Eve. So why did one happen in the middle of the first evening of Chanukah?
The meaning in our holidays, our journeys, and our lives is our own to forge. The point isn’t satisfying someone else’s ideas about who we should be. The point is wholeness, understanding, and love.
During the end-of-year holidays, many respect their fellow humans with open minds and open hearts. Don’t let that respect end when you open your mouth.
When even the Pope has to hide his Bible bigotry behind closed doors, you know we’ve come a long way.
On marriage equality, the problem isn’t God or religion, it’s bigots. And on Friday, the definition of bigotry widened in America.
Your relationship with Deity is a game. You’re a dot and God’s a dot. Connect those dots as you are so moved. Never put anyone else in charge of your game board.