When Bad Things Happen at Walt Disney World

Oh, the ass-hattery of people jealous that for a few days your family’s at Walt Disney World and theirs isn’t.
Oh, the ass-hattery of people jealous that for a few days your family’s at Walt Disney World and theirs isn’t.
At the newly “reimagined” Coronado Springs Resort, Disney took a a resort themed to ancient Mexican cultural motifs and implanted on top of it a giant tower themed to conquering Spain. Colonialism much?
Should you ever find Disney World is more tolerant of others than you are, it’s probably time to rethink some of the assumptions you harbor about the world, and especially about yourself.
Three years ago we hated Walt Disney World. Our 2013 trip was a disaster. So when we returned last month, falling in love with the place we never saw coming.
It almost killed us the first time. But armed with the blessing of familiarity, next week we two Disneyland vets are going to give Walt Disney World a second chance.
On how my May analysis of why Ryan and I didn’t like our trip to Walt Disney World suddenly became the most popular–and controversial–post in eight years of Chicago Carless.
On why Ryan and I came back from five days at Walt Disney World in Florida loving California’s Disneyland Resort even more than before.