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Mourning and the Rest of the Day

My final link to the person I used to be in Brooklyn is broken, and so is my heart. Camoes, my danger cat, is gone.

Goodbye, Little Girl

This Thanksgiving, Ryan and I have a lot for which to be thankful. But we’re most grateful for having had the opportunity to give an elderly, withdrawn little black cat a home. And to love her.

Antigone Goes West: A Man, A Dog, A Bike…and 2,000 Miles Towards A New Life

Know this first: this is the most emotionally compelling blog I’ve ever read, and perhaps the best. A Chicago writer and pet lover loses his job, gets fed up with the economy, and decides to bike to the Pacific Ocean to promote pet adoption, with his favorite Basset Hound, Antigone, blogging the trip from her doggie trailer. But it’s the candid bravery of the human author that shines best as Antigone Goes West.

Cat and a Drop Dead Proof

When Overly Frank adopted olderly Ryza from PAWS Chicago earlier this month, the cuddly interaction between Oklahoma expat and 11-year-old feline made me realize how much I’d been taking my own lifelong companion for granted. His life, that is.