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On My 21st Chicagoversary, I No Longer Have Faith in Chicago

Progressive mayoral tantrums trying to class-shame people to stay just remind Chicagoans who’ve decided to leave why they’re leaving.

Why I’ve Stayed in Chicago for 20 Years

It’s not easy or pretty, but life isn’t without challenge anywhere else in America either. We stay because so many things about this place make us care enough to stay. And that’s something I think outside observers always miss about Chicago.

Catching Up on Jasmine Davila: Eight Years of Chicago Carless

This summer, my blog turned eight years old. The anniversary passed quietly as I spent time figuring out my future rabbinic-school life. But after 756 posts, through five boyfriends, four apartments, three jobs, and two religions, the one thing I have to say is THANK YOU for your readership.

My Kind of Town

And another kind of anniversary. What a difference a decade makes. On how ten years ago, to my surprise, I became a Chicagoan.

98 and 3/4 Percent Guaranteed: Seven Years of Chicago Carless

Today my blog turns seven years old. It’s not the first blog I’ve ever written–that was the Brooklyn page back in the 1990s. But after seven years and 714 posts, it’s the one with the most staying power. And I’m grateful for your readership.

Life, the Universe, and Everything Jewish: Six Years of Chicago Carless

Three months after officially joining the Jewish people, things make sense in a way I never expected. Some say Jewish converts are born with a Jewish spark waiting to be realized. Now I realize how the past six years of my blog–and the past 41 years of my life–have led me to my Jewish self.

Happy Anniversary: Five Years of Chicago Carless

Happy Birthday to Chicago Carless! My little blog that could is now officially five years old. Here’s a look at why I created it and where we’ve been together in the past 12 months. And thank you for being here to read it.

Happy Birthday to Me: Four Years of CHICAGO CARLESS

Happy Birthday, Chicago Carless! Here’s a look back at the last four years of my life as an open blog.

Third Time’s the Charm

This entry marks the (belated) third anniversary of CHICAGO CARLESS. As is obvious, year four is getting started with a lot of changes. The most obvious are the totally re-designed layout and features of the blog. But they’re only reflections of the most important change of all: my renewed outlook on my life and the world around me. Something had to give. After 37 years, what ultimately gave was me.

No Exit: Two Years of CHICAGO CARLESS

The fact that I missed the two-year anniversary of Chicago Carless is a lot more important than the fall of my two-year relationship. So in celebration of the belated anniversary of my life being an open blog, I give you a look at the past 12 months of Chicago Carless.