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Why I Returned My Amazon Kindle Colorsoft

I loved my Amazon Kindle Colorsoft until I hated it. But once you see the faulty yellow stripe across the bottom of the screen, you can’t unsee it.

Macy’s State Street Axes Info Desk

Macy’s State Street has eliminated its customer information desk in favor of directional signage that keeps directing customers…to the information desk.

Dominick’s Just for U Aimed at…1990s Web Users?

Free food is a hard thing to turn down in a recession. But one month using Just For U, Dominick’s new electronic coupon website, is a few weeks too much. I appreciated the gift cards I received from Dominick’s PR firm to try out the service. But the clunky, outdated website and lack of a real-time mobile app had me wondering how any blogger could end up recommending the service to anyone who actually uses the web on a daily basis.

Macy’s Windows Wonderful or Woeful in 2009?

As a parting shot to Christmas, freelance communications consultant Steve Tanner and wife Amy take a look at this year’s Macy’s State Street holiday windows. Even though Steve’s an avowed ‘Macy’s hater’, the Tanners find a few things to like in a window display at least better than last year’s illuminated vacuum-cleaner hoses.

All Hooked Up for No Place to Go

Three months almost to the day since the first wave of my technological migration, I’m proud to complete my transition to the modern age. Give or take a couple years.

Mold-A-Rama Madness!

Earlier this month, a visit to the Brookfield Zoo uncovered new depths of hidden obsessiveness in Yours Truly. I’ve always liked the place–it reminds me of a pancake-flat Bronx Zoo, minus the Bengali Express monorail ride through Wild Asia that I grew up riding. But there’s one thing I unfortunately didn’t grow up with at the NYC animal park: Mold-A-Rama!

Cut-Rate Macy’s Holiday Windows: The Movie

Take a look at this video of 2008’s State Street Christmas windows and decide for yourself whether Macy’s firing of longtime window dresser Amy Meadows was really such a bright idea.

Macy’s State Street Cost Cuts Christmas

I’ll cut to the chase: Macy’s State Street has cost-cut its Chicago Loop holiday windows and Christmas tree so deeply this year, I personally don’t believe it’s worth bothering to make that time-honored family foray downtown to see them.

Too Late to Save Macy’s State Street?

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Macy’s CEO Terry Lundgren will go to the grave–and take the former Marshall Field’s with him–before he and his team get a clue about how to treat Chicagoans.

Pulling a “Lundgren”

Who says you can’t teach an old Macy’s, Inc. CEO new tricks? Last week, Crain’s Chicago Business and the Chicago Tribune both announced the rollout of a new Macy’s marketing campaign entitled, ‘Take Me to State Street.’ According to the papers, the campaign will be full-court media push highlighting the flagship State Street store as a premiere retail destination. It’s about time.