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Watch Me Discussing the Marina City Gary Kimmel Scandal Tonight on CNBC’s American Greed

I’ve been asked to talk about the Marina City Gary Kimmel pimp-dentist scandal over the years, and usually say no. This time I said yes.

Mark Lilla’s Care and Feeding of the White Man

Why you shouldn’t believe Mark Lilla’s axe-grinding screed against the politics of civil rights.

17 Dead in 15 Seconds in Chicago

So many are shot every week in Chicago, we’re starting not to notice anymore. When a death is worth less than a second of news coverage, what are we becoming?

Are You a Peeping Tom on Your Balcony or Are You Just Happy to See Me?

The totally true tale of the unexpected technique I used to catch our across-the-street peeping Tom, toilet humor included.

Would Obama Give an Address on Terrorism on Christmas Eve?

A presidential address on terrorism would never happen on Christmas Eve. So why did one happen in the middle of the first evening of Chanukah?

Life and Death at the Morality Buffet

Either civilian casualties are immoral or they aren’t. On the ongoing terror wave in Israel and the value of all innocent civilian lives.

Marina City: The More Things Change…

Chicago may finally landmark the dramatic Marina City corncobs. But the drama inside the twin high-rises is equally remarkable, too.

Black Faces Matter: Real Chicagoans on The 606

On casual racism, the Trust for Public Land, and the real picture of Chicago on The 606.

Where Are the Black People in Ads for Chicago’s New Park, “The 606”?

“The 606” opened to fanfare in June on Chicago’s multi-racial Northwest Side. But where are the black faces in the new park’s marketing campaign? And was their omission deliberate?

So This Is What Choice Feels Like, Chicago

It has been generations since Chicagoans have had a real choice for mayor. But for the next six weeks, the stakes are higher than they’ve ever been.