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Introducing BENAMI MEDIA

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smallbenamimedialogoforcarlessThis summer, I returned to strategic communications consulting. Earlier this month, I shared my birthday with the launch of BENAMI MEDIA, a communications strategy shop devoted to helping socially minded individuals and organizations tell their stories, grow awareness, and make change happen. Building on my past local and national success in the social justice, labor, and community media arenas, I decided to rebrand and reopen my shop to take part fully in the unexpected and ongoing national narrative of speaking truth to power.

I invite you to  visit to learn more about our services, like and connect with us on Facebook, and follow us on Linkedin. If you have a mission to improve the world and can’t find the right words or way forward, let’s talk about how we can partner with you–you can email me at

My launch was empowered by my network of colleagues and friends, several of whom offered key entrepreneurial advice and support, and to whom I am grateful. I’d like to extend particular thanks to my “Power Sarahs”–Sarah Best of Sarah Best Strategy (Chicago, Milwaukee, and Madison), and Sarah Massey of Massey Media (Washington, DC)–two firms clearly leading the way towards a better world.

Words really can make change happen. What are you trying to change for the better?

Categories: Branding & Marketing


I’m an #OpenlyAutistic gay, Hispanic, urbanist, Disney World fan, New York native, politically independent, Jewish blogger in Chicago. I believe in social justice, big cities, and public transit. I write words and raise money for nonprofits. I’ve written this blog since 2005. And counting...

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