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Chicagosphere Has Moved to Chicago Carless

Today, I’m pleased to announce that the contents of my former ChicagoNow online-media blog, Chicagosphere, now appear in their entirety here on Chicago Carless. Owing to recent changes at the Chicago Tribune blog network, I decided to cease producing Chicagosphere at the end of February.

I have reposted all eighty-odd Chicagosphere entries from May 2009 onwards for which I hold copyright in my main Blog World channel, mostly under the Chicago Blog News and Blog & Social Media Tips categories. You can also use the Search function to find legacy Chicagosphere posts, and all have been clearly labeled at the top of each post.

Just like when they moved the headstones from the graveyard in Poltergeist but left the bodies behind, comments have not been brought along from Chicagosphere. They will, however, remain live on Chicagosphere for as long as ChicagoNow chooses to keep the blog up. I will continue to write about the Chicago blogosphere, blog news, and the social-media space here on Chicago Carless, as I’ve been doing for some time. You can read more about my experience at ChicagoNow in today’s companion post: The Past Imperfect of Chicago Now.

And on a side note, congratulations to former ChicagoNow community manager Fernando Diaz (@thefuturewasnow) on becoming the new managing editor of Hoy, the Spanish-language daily newspaper of the Chicago Tribune.

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I’m an #OpenlyAutistic gay, Hispanic, urbanist, Disney World fan, New York native, politically independent, Jewish blogger in Chicago. I believe in social justice, big cities, and public transit. I write words and raise money for nonprofits. I’ve written this blog since 2005. And counting...

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