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On Chicagosphere: OS Wars, Nonprofit Hijinks, Meatball Sundaes, Trailblazing Bloggers

While I settle down from the throttling I got from my fellow Mac users over my recently announced decision to migrate to Windows 7, here’s a look at the no-less debate-worthy topics I’ve covered lately on Chicagosphere, my byline about the local blogosphere on the Chicago Tribune‘s ChicagoNow network:

An Interview with Journalist Blogger Laura Washington (Oct. 21)
One of Chicago’s few black women bloggers tells why blogs are key to the future of journalism.

Media Versus the Machine: The Southwest Observer (Oct. 22)
A community blog tries to cover a connected neighborhood famous for keeping its mouth shut.

Are News Exclusives the Meatball Sundaes of Web-Based Media? (Oct. 26)
Old PR and new technology don’t mix well. Why it’s time for the embargoed news exclusive to go.

Son of Chitown Daily News to Debut in November (Oct. 29)
Community blogster Geoff Dougherty takes another stab at online news…with a print publication?

Sustainability Optional in Chicago Community Trust Online News Grants? (Nov. 5)
Sustainability seems left by the wayside by the Community News Matters local news grant program.

Is OS Choice Important to Bloggers? (Nov. 6)
When you spend your day looking into a browser window, does your choice of operating system really matter?

Vivian Vahlberg Vs. The Usual Suspects: Why the “Community News Matters” Grantee List Is No Surprise (Nov. 6)
The Community News Matters program director says the recent local news grants were for “bridge funding.” The Chicago Community Trust’s president & CEO says they were for “sustainability.” Who’s right?

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I’m an #OpenlyAutistic gay, Hispanic, urbanist, Disney World fan, New York native, politically independent, Jewish blogger in Chicago. I believe in social justice, big cities, and public transit. I write words and raise money for nonprofits. I’ve written this blog since 2005. And counting...

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1 reply

  1. And, boy, should Vivian Vahlberg chime in on that Nov. 6 entry–considering that it’s her own, more than 1,200 word post she made in August on Chicagosphere, itself, that made me go, “Hmm?”

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