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My New Gapers Block Byline

(Photo: Beyond advancing age, now I have an official reason to drool.)

This week, I am your official Internet media whore, friends.  On the heels of yesterday’s debut of my Huffington Post Chicago byline, beginning today you can also find my words in Drive-Thru, the foodie section of Chicago’s venerable Gapers Block news and features site.

I met rock-star GB editor & publisher Andrew Huff at a get-together at Moody’s Pub in Edgewater a couple of weeks ago (following my leaping ladies bus ride up Lake Shore Drive) and he asked me if I’d be interested in contributing to the site.  My head whispered, “Write for Merge, it’s shorter.”  But my heart–and midriff–screamed, “Beg for Drive-Thru!” and then oinked in unison for good measure.

I’m proud to add my words to Gapers Block, which I have long considered to be the best group blog in Chicago, bar none.  I wish my first post was under happier circumstances.  Regular readers will recall my pre-tornado meal of hot wings at Karen Lim’s popular Take Me Out Asian joint in Pilsen.

Unfortunately, Monday’s raging fire on 18th Street took out her kitchen.  Have the transcendent wings flown the coop for good?  Read my exclusive Drive-Thru interview with Karen from inside the burned-out eatery! (And find photos of Karen, hubby Nathan, and what’s left of the home of the hot wings in my flickr stream).

I think that about covers it for one week, folks.  These blogging fingers are beat.  See you all again on Monday!

Now, where should I eat tonight…

Categories: Chicago Food & Drink Reviews Food and Drink News Media

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I’m an #OpenlyAutistic gay, Hispanic, urbanist, Disney World fan, New York native, politically independent, Jewish blogger in Chicago. I believe in social justice, big cities, and public transit. I write words and raise money for nonprofits. I’ve written this blog since 2005. And counting...

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